US military has the Combat Camera units photograph operation on the ground, at sea and in air even in battle. Tactical Solutions' Nightstalker II night vision lens attached to a USN Combat Camera’s standard-issue Nikon D700. It's used by some US military photographers to take night action shots. Using this kind of camera lens is very difficult since you have to focus manually and setting the exposure is tricky.
米軍の戦場カメラマン部隊がニコンD700と共に支給されているTactical SolutionsのナイトビジョンレンズNightstalker II night vision systemが武器顔負けの強面。。あんなカメラを戦場で使っていたら間違って撃たれそうですが。。ちなみにオートフォーカスが使えないので難易度の高いレンズらしいです。
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