屋根はミレットを分厚く重ね天井は凄く低い独特の建て構えのTógu nà はDogonのどの村にも必ずある大事な建物。女性や子供がはいる事は許されず、村の大事な話し合いや決めごとは全てここで行われます。とは言っても普段はおじさん達のたまり場スポット。ここでコーラナッツが活躍します♪
Tógu nà is a very important building for Dogon. It has really low ceiling with the really thick roof which is made by piles of millet stalks. Tógu nà is a place to discuss affairs and take important decisions about the village and only men can enter inside. You'll see elder men chilling there in every villages you visit in Dogon.
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-Gozilah @ Flickr