
Nebraska Nuclear Plants

Low-level emergency declared at the Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. It is currently shut down for refueling and is surrounded by flood waters from the Missouri River, Tuesday, June 14, 2011. As if the flooding isn’t enough, they had an electrical fire, and shut down the spent fuel pond pumps to aid in fighting it. Based on the images shown, the plant doesn’t look secured at all...

昨日ミズーリ川の洪水でネブラスカ州にあるFort Calhoun原発(今年のはじめから整備等で停止している様ですが...) 水に囲まれちゃって低レベルエマージェンシーだって。。なんか写真みると全然無防備な気が、、、しかも電気系統の火災など洪水の前から色々事故は発生しているみたいです。。ほらね、人ごとじゃないでしょアメリカも。。


-cryptone, daily kos, legaletric



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