
I Love Trains

Here is the another hardcore German Train Writing documentary film "I Love Trains". They are finally releasing it after 3years of silence. It comes with 2 DVDs. Main focus of the first film is on Germany subway systems in Berlin, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Munich, also there are Rostock and Stuttgart's public transport. In the second DVD show more subway systems of major European cities and NYC. How about some hardcore?! Yeh, We like it raw on the trains!

またまたドイツから ハーコーな電車マル秘作戦 ドキュメンタリーフィルム♪ 3年前に告知があって以来ようやくのリリースとなる I Love TrainsはDVD2枚組。一枚目の作戦内容はドイツの4主要都市Berlin, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Munichの地下鉄そしてRostockとStuttgartの電車。2枚目はヨーロッパの主要都市そしてNYC♪ゾクゾクします♪ How about some hardcore?! Yeh, We like it raw on the trains!




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