
Mali & Burkina Faso

最初から最後まで喰らいまくりの珍道中でBamakoからSégou, Djenné, Mopti, Dogon Country, Bobo Diolusso, Gaoua, Banfora, Sikassoなど約3,000km位をロードトリップ♪

I was finally able to visit Mali and Burkina Faso in West Africa this past December. The experience will forever be embedded in my memory. It was an amazing time. I took a road trip from Bamako to Ségou, Djenné, Mopti, Dogon Country, Bobo-Diolusso, Gaoua, Banfora, Sikasso and came back to Bamako. The journey covered over 1900 miles. I will post a bunch of pictures in my photo diary, stay tuned♪
For now, check out some flix I took with my cellphone in this intro♪

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-Gozilah @ Instagram



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