
Road to Djenné

飛行機が遅れまくって深夜過ぎに真っ暗なBamako Sénou国際空港に着陸。税関も微妙な感じでしたがなんとなく通過。宿に着くなり一緒に旅をしたAdama & Baileとリンク、その後はりきってパーティーへ珍入♪ 意外にBamakoは欧米化した都会だなあとか思いつつパーティー満喫、珍しく二日酔いで起床。。暗くて気付かなかっただけで朝起きてみれば予想通りの街並みに喰らう。気持ち悪いままDjennéへ向けて出発。。。
途中Fanaという村で途中下車してマーケットをプラプラするもようやくMaliに来た実感が湧きまくる♪♪ 日が暮れ始めた頃Ségouに到着そこで一泊。宿の玄関脇を陣取ってお茶を立てていたおじさん達に西アフリカでの初お茶をごちそうになりました♪

I landed in Bamako Sénou International Airport around midnight after a 4 hour flight delay. The airport was hardly lit up. Customs seemed to be very unorganized as I expected but I went through
with no problem. After I linked up with Adama and Baile whom I traveled with, I went out to a party not far from the motel where I stayed. I had a fun time and somehow I managed to get myself drunk.
I thought Bamako was much more westernized than what I expected, but that thought only lasted until
the next morning. I started my day with a hangover and drove through the city. I realized that Bamako
looked just like I expected it. We began the journey headed to the first destination, Djenné. We stopped by a market in the village of Fana. I walked around and it made me realize I was in Mali. Wow! I am in Mali!
We reached Ségou by the time sun went down and stayed there for the night. Old guys were gathered in
front of the hotel and making tea. They kindly offered me a shot of tea. I hadn't realized yet how important tea is to West African people. I woke up early the next morning and headed on a long ride to Djenne.

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-Gozilah @ Flickr



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