
biriki gɔsi

マリでは何処行ってもだいたい家屋は泥レンガで出来ていて, 道路沿いでもよくレンガを造っている光景をみかけます。造ったものは主に家族や村で使われるそうで、子供達はお手伝いに精が出ます。泥練り作業の邪魔も程々に寄り道を終え次の目的地Moptiへ♪

On the road I saw a good sized mud mosque sticking out at a small village not too far from Djenne. I decided to walk by and chat with the villagers a bit.
The buildings are typically made out of mud bricks, especially in the country side. You see people making the bricks pretty often while you are on the road. Usually the bricks are used for making houses and other things needed in the village. Families, and children work very hard there.
Following my chat, I got back on the road heading to the next destination, Mopti♪

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