
Kondi Pegue

Moptiを離れ次の目的地Dogon Countryへ♪
標高差は500m、幅150kmに及ぶBandiagara断崖に住むDogonの人々。Dogonは他民族による侵攻、奴隷狩り追っ手などから逃れるため徐々に断崖絶壁へと移り住み、過酷な自然環境を盾に近年まで外部との接触も少なく, 神話信仰など独自の文化を長い間維持してきました。Dogonの起源は謎な事が多く神話ベースの独特の宇宙観、社会形態、風習、儀式などとにかくぶっ飛んでいます。

まずはSongoという村へ。この村は男子の割礼儀式をする岩場Kondi Pegueがある事で知られています。儀式は3年に一度9~12歳位の男子に行われ、岩に描かれた絵は毎回儀式の度に上から描きかえられ、儀式の間Wandyermaという特別な楽器が使われます。
DogonやSongo村そしてKondi Pegueでの割礼儀式など気になる方は英文ですがこちらをチェキっ!


We left Mopti heading to the next destination, Dogon Country♪
Dogon are an ancient African people live by the Bandiagara Escarpment, a sandstone cliff of up to 1,640 ft high, stretching about 100 miles. Over the time (15~19 century) they moved north along the escarpment to avoid the war and slave raids by hostile people. Because of its inaccessibility, Dogon was never under full control of outsiders. They were able to keep their tradition and ritual for the centuries.
They have very unique and rich deeply sacred tradition, ritual, and life style that is based on their myth. The myth is that many scholors claim their culture shows their advanced astronomy knowledge. It is a one of the biggest mystery of Dogon people today. They are very fascinating people.

My first stop in Dogon was Songo village. It is known for a circumcision ritual site with numerous rock paintings called Kondi Pegue. Every three years boys age of 9~12 years old are circumcised at the site. The rock paintings are made during the circumcision ritual. The sacred instrument Wandyerm are used during the ceremony.
Click HERE for more information about Dogon People, Songo village and the circumcision ritual at Kondi Pegue.

By the way the water well in this vllage was made by Japan, well done♪

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