
Dogon Greeting

ドゴンの人々の挨拶は一言では終わりません。言葉のキャッチボール。 知り合いでも他人でも道端で人に会う度に何度でもこの長い挨拶をします。家族、家畜、家、仕事などその時の気分で色々訪ねます。村や地域によって多少違いはありますが奥さんや子供に親の事を訪ねれば間違いなし。挨拶されたらとりあえずわかんなくても"セオウ(元気)"って答えれば大丈夫。この挨拶作法をマスターすればかなりの好感度アップ間違いなし♪ ネットでビデオみつけたんでチェケラッチョ。

Greetings are very important in the Dogon, just as they are throughout Mali. Even if you see each other several times a day, you will greet one another each time. Such a greeting may take a while and will even continue as the greeters pass each other by. They ask about the family, animals, home, work, etc., but it really depends on the mood. You cannot go wrong if you ask about the person's wife, children or parents. Even if you don't understand the people when they greet you, a friendly “sé-ouw(fine)” is a good enough answer. It would definitely make a great impression on Dogon people if you master it.
Check out the video I find online ♪



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