
Dogon Mask Dance

Tireli村でDogonの仮面舞踊を観てきました♪ 生はかなり喰らいます。古代から引き継がれているドゴンの仮面舞踊には、過ちを償い世代の更新象徴するドゴンで最も重要とされる儀式シギが60年に一度催されるのと、そして死者の魂を体から引き離しドゴンの人々を守る先祖となるべく葬送の儀式ダマの2種類があります。家父長制で構成されているドゴンの社会では仮面の扱いや儀式はアワと呼ばれる男性陣によって行われます。仮面はSuigideとKanagaなど特別な仮面のほか動物や女性など70種類以上もあるそうです。近年ではタイミングさえあえば披露してもらえます。Baileの実家の村だったのでアレンジしてもらえてラッキー♪ 次のシギは2027年なので興味のある方は是非旅のプランを。ビゴップ Baile & Tireli村! 

I had a great opportunity to witness a Dogon Mask Dance at the village of Tireli. The masks serve to connect the Dogon people to the world of heaven where the afterworld exists, and Earth, which provides food, shelter and life. The Dogon are a patriarchal society and traditionally the Dogon masks are controlled and cared for by a group of male known as “Awa”. The dancers bring the mask to life in ancient ritualistic ceremonies such as the “Dama”, a funerary celebration that honors and commemorates the dead as they enter the ancestral realm at the end of the the funeral ceremony Yimu Gono. Another is the Sigui, a ceremony of initiation and atonement and the Dogon's most culturally significant cerebration that takes place only one time every 60 years. the next one will start in 2027. However they are organized the dance for the tourists nowadays, as sort of extra income for the community. Since Tireli is Baile's home, He arranged to have a dance for me. Big ups Baile & the village of Tireli!

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-Gozilah @ Flickr, Gozilah @ Vimeo



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