ノンモは、上半身は人、下半身は蛇、手に関節が無く、舌は二股に分かれている姿をしているというドゴンに伝わる神(精霊)で遠い昔に地上を訪れ, シリウスBなどシリウス連星や太陽系などについて高度な天文学をドゴンの人々に教えたと言い伝えられています。ノンモの故郷はニャン・トロと呼ばれるもう一つのシリウス連星シリウスC(エンメヤ)の周りを回る惑星ですが、現代の天文学では確認されていないそうです。古代エジプト文明やシュメール文明それからドゴンの文化には類似点が多くみられることから何かしらの接点があるのではとも言われています。その一つにシュメール双頭神オアネスとノンモが似ている事や、 エジプト文明では女神イシスをシリウス, オシリスをシリウスBとシンボル化したのではと言われています。。やっぱり遠い昔にシルウス連星系から宇宙人が来てたのかな?! どう思います??
The Nommo are ancestral spirits worshipped by Dogon. The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. the Dogon's knowledge of astronomy and non-visible cosmic phenomenon could only be explained if this knowledge had been imparted upon them by an extraterrestrial race that had visited the Dogon in the past. the Nommos were extraterrestrial inhabitants of the Sirius star system who had traveled to earth at some point in the distant past and had imparted knowledge about the Sirius star system as well as our own Solar System upon the Dogon tribes. Sirius C (Emme ya) also revolves around Sirius, and its satellite Nyan Tolo is believed to be the Nommo's home land although there are still disputes about Sirus C existence in scientific world. There are traces of this mysterious connection in many ancient cultures, such as the ancient Egyptians and the Sumerians and the Dogon. The Sumerian goddess Oannes is very similar to the Dogon's Nommo. and the Egiptian goddess Isis was a symbol of Sirius, and Osiris a symbol of the Dark Companion of Sirius, Sirius B. Do you think the aliens came to the earth from Sirus Solar system in ancient time??