
Food in Mali & Burkina Faso

朝食は揚げパンみたいなもの(Farini)、ミレットのパンケーキにエッグサンドをリプトン紅茶かネスカフェを飲みつつ食べてました。ちなみに手で食べる時は右手を使いましょう, 左手はだめですよ。
NYでもおいしい西アフリカ料理探しにいかないと♪ 写真は旅の間食べたものなんでチェケラッちょ。

Before I went to Mali, I was really curious about what I was going to eat there. The result – I really enjoyed the food and gained so much weight from all the carbs...
Rice, couscous, corn and millet are the grains used in most Malian meals. Rice is served with a sauce, usually onion sauce (Jabaji) or peanut butter sauce with vegetables and spices (tigedegenaw). Goat, beef, lamb, chicken and fish are added to the sauce or eaten separately when available.I really loved the grilled goat meat sold at the market and on the side of the road. It was so good! For breakfast I had fried dough (Farini), millet pancake or egg sandwich with Lipton tea or Nescafe. Nescafe has permeated throughout Mali. By the way when you eat with your hand, use your right hand.
I want to find some good West African food spots in NYC! The photos are the food I had during my trip.

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