
Sakura Matsuri

I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival "Sakura Matsuri" at Brooklyn Botanic Garden this weekend. Unfortunately the cherry blossoms passed the peak already and they were kind of looking down. The new leaves were growing already... It would been really nice if the event was a week ago. However the weather turned out really nice. I caught a good friend of mine Ola and his family, as I was expecting. this festival every year I always look forward to seeing his family at this festival〜♪
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週末は毎年恒例Brooklyn Botanic Garden の桜祭り♪ でもピークは過ぎていて桜にあまり活気がありませんでしたが、毎年このイベントで会えるのを楽しみにしている大先輩Olaの家族を今年も無事発見&久々の再会〜♪




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