
to Burkina Faso

とうとうDogonの村々ともお別れでドゴンの町Bankassに出て次なる目的地、隣国Burkina Faso第二の都市Bobo-Dioulasso目指してホコリまみれの約550km. Bobo-Dioulassoの手前で共に旅をしたAdamaの家族が住んでいる集落へ寄り道, 残念ながらお母さんは畑へ出ていたらしく不在でしたが久々の帰郷にみんな喜んでました。よかったよかった♪

I finished my stay in the Dogon villages at last... We drove down to a Dogon town, Bankass, that morning and started heading to the next destination which was Bobo-Dioulasso. It is the second largest city of the neighboring country Burkina Faso. We drove over 340 miles on a dusty dirt road that day. We stopped and visited with my buddy Adama's family in a small village right outside Bobo-Dioulasso. Unfortunately, his mother was at the firm working but they were all happy to see Adama♪

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