

パンクを修理してGaouaからBanforaという町へ日が暮れるちょっと前に到着。今まで観てきた枯れ枯れな土地とはうって変わってこの辺りは緑が豊富で広大な砂糖キビ畑も広がっていました。観光名所も幾つかあるようでその中のKarfiguela滝や変わった岩石群Fabédougouドームをさくっとチェック。この町で一番楽しかったのは宿の人に借りたチャリでぷらぷらパトロール♪めちゃ満喫♪ そういえば広島市の消防車が走ってました!
ブルキナ ファソとは早くもお別れと思ったら今度はエンジン系トラブルでピットイン。。。で修理完了まで市場をプラプラ。旅の終盤でようやくクーラーが効いてきて涼しい♪ 再び国境を越えてMaliへ、Sikasso経由で首都Bamakoへ戻ります。

After the tire was replaced, we left Gaoua and arrived to Banfora a little before sunset. There are many trees and bodies of water around Banfora. In rainy season, water accumulates in normally forest areas. It's also known for huge sugar cane plantations. I went to see Karfiguela waterfall and Fabédougou Domes. However, what I enjoyed most in this town was riding a bicycle around. Luckily the guy from the hotel let me borrow his while he was working. It totally made my day!! Oh, I saw a Japanese fire track on duty! So random.
We had some engine trouble with the car and brought it into a factory. I took a walk to the market while they were fixing it. My trip was almost over and we finally had cold air coming out from the AC. We got on the road heading back to Mali from Burkina Faso. The next stop is Sikasso.

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-Gozilah @ Flickr



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