バマコへ向かっている途中、道路脇でヤギの首を落としてる人を目撃、アダマにヤギ捌けるか聞いたら勿論出来るとの答えを頂いたので、急遽ヤギ一頭ゲット、車に積んでいざアダマの家へ♪ 一頭$40位で安いと感じるかもしれませんが現地の人達には結構な買い物。5日間泊めさせてもらうんでしたが手ぶらでお邪魔するのもちょっとと思っていた時だったのでヤギはナイスアイデア♪
まずは首を切って楽にさせたら吊るして皮剥いで部分ごとに切ったりと。。見慣れてないと結構えぐいかもしれませんが、残す事無く頭からしっぽまでばっちり使います。お盆の上に小分けした物はご近所さん達にお裾分け♪ ここの人達はご近所さん達とすごく共存ないい感じのコミュニティー、なんか昭和な感じで懐かしく思えたりと気分良好♪ アダマの奥さんジェネバが毎日おいしくヤギ料理してくれて満喫満杯♪
On our way back to Bamako, I saw a guy chopping the head off of a goat by the side of the road. I asked Adama if he knew how to do that. He said, “of course!” I said, “good, let’s go get a goat and bring it to your family.” We picked up a goat from a guy selling them on the side of the road. It cost about $40, which doesn’t sound like a lot to us, but it is a pretty big purchase for the locals. It all worked out well. I didn’t want to show up empty handed and I got to experience preparing a live goat and tasty goat dishes. First, they cut the goat’s throat, killing it instantly. Then they peeled the skin and chopped the goat into parts. I know it looks pretty intense for us that are only used to seeing nicely packaged meat. They don’t waste anything. They use the goat from head to tail. Once the meat was nicely placed on a big plate, Adama sent his kids to their neighbors to share the meat. They’re a very close-knit community.
I have to give a big shout out to Adama’s wife, Djeneba, for all the amazing meals!!! They were too delicious!!!
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